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Technical Specification

Rotary Microtome is designed to enhance manual sectioning.
High Precision specimen feed
It is based on taper roller guides with high precision screw which provides accuracy and stability for sectioning.
This microtome has been designed for effortless manual sectioning using counter balanced hand wheel.
Hand Wheel lock in each position
The spacious section waste tray collects sectioning waste during trimming and sectioning.
Section thickness setting range: 0.5-60?m,
Setting Values: 0.5-2?m increment step 0.5?m / 2-20?m increment step 1?m / 20-60?m increment step 5?m,
Vertical Stroke: 60mm
Minimum setting value: 0.5?m,
Specimen Orientation: Horizontal 8°, Vertical 8°
Object Feed: 60mm x 50mm
Complete as above and supplied with sample pack of disposable blades.

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